Qualities, Attitudes and Habits
What are Qualities, Attitudes and Habits (QAHs)?
At the Laurus Trust we believe a successful individual will be a person who is able to embody a number of key attributes. We have narrowed down these into nine qualities, attitudes and habits (QAHs). These nine QAHs are:
- courage
- social intelligence
- vitality
- curiosity
- perseverance
- integrity
- gratitude
- self- control
- optimism
We believe these qualities not only represent a hardworking, ambitious person, but also a person who is measured and kind, the type of person who will embrace life and all its challenges with enthusiasm and grace.
At Laurus Trust schools we not only advertise such qualities but actively teach these behaviours as part of our curriculum through our lessons, pastoral support, behaviour policy and PSHE provision.
Pastoral Support
Behaviour & Rewards