We are pleased to announce that Didsbury High School have achieved the Rainbow Flag Award!
Didsbury donations reflect the true meaning of Christmas
The Christmas spirit is alive and well at Didsbury High School, with everyone pulling together to support local charities. We have been collecting items for Southway Food Bank and Mission Christmas and have been overwhelmed by the number of donations that have been...
Does your child have an igo card?
Dear Parents and Carers, All bus companies can now sell and accept TfGM school tickets using igo as a smart card, so the paper option will soon be switched off. These tickets are only available on dedicated TfGM school services. Details of all bus tickets for travel...
Students speak to award-winning author as part of the Laurus Trust Author Event
Didsbury High School students had the opportunity to host award-winning author, Anna Hoghton, whose debute children’s novel The Mask of Aribella was released in January. The book has since been shortlisted for the Sakura Medal, a reading programme that brings...
Returning to School In September
We are looking forward to welcoming you back to school in September! Here are our returning to school arrangements: Thursday 3rd September: Year 7 - arrive at school between 8am and 8.20am. Year 8 - arrive at school between 9am and 9.30am. Staff will be on hand to...
Extra govt support for schools during the coronavirus outbreak
The government has announced a package of support, including additional funding and high-quality resources, to help schools deal with the challenges posed by the current coronavirus pandemic and subsequent schools shutdowns. While teachers, students and parents/carers...
COVID-19 Update: Uniform
Dear Parents Carers, Further to recommendations we have received from the medical profession we have taken the decision for all our students and staff to wear their own clothes from Wednesday March 25th. This is to enable families to wash clothes worn daily and to...
School closure – important information from Head of School
Parent and carers, please click here to read the latest update from Head of School David Woolley which includes important information regarding key workers, online learning and free school meals. This message has also been sent to all parents/carers by email.
School closure – message from the Head of School
Dear parents/carers, You will now be aware the UK Government has announced that schools will close to all students (with the exception of children of key workers, the most vulnerable and those with Education, Health and Care Plans) after close of school on Friday 20th...
Coronavirus update – Advice for parents/carers
Dear parents/carers, As you will be aware, there has been a great deal written and advised about COVID-19, the coronavirus. We want to stress that current advice and guidance suggests you should not be unduly worried about the potential of your child catching...
Latest edition of the DHS Newsletter available to read now
The latest edition of the Didsbury High School's Newsletter is now available to read by clicking here. It’s packed with information about what our students have been up to this term. We hope you enjoy it!