Exam Information

Information about exams at Didsbury High School and Sixth Form

During their time at Didsbury High School and Didsbury Sixth Form, our students will sit a range of external examinations and assessments. This page contains the key information for students and their parents/carers, alongside supporting documentation.

If you have any queries around exams at Didsbury High School, please contact the exams team on [email protected]

Below is a summary of the main examinations and assessments that students will take in each year group.

High School Exams & Assessments

Year 9

  • Languages GCSE in French or Spanish (if applicable)

Year 10

  • Coursework or controlled assessment for certain options subjects
  • Home languages GCSEs (if applicable)*

Year 11

  • Coursework or controlled assessment for certain options subjects
  • GCSE examinations

Sixth Form Exams & Assessments

Year 12

  • AS Further Maths (if applicable)
  • Core Maths (if applicable)
  • EPQ submissions (if applicable)

Year 13

  • A Level examinations

* If a student is interested in taking a GCSE in their home language, more information about this is available in the GCSE Home Heritage and Community Language booklet. Please get in touch with the exams team on the email address above if you have any questions.

Exam timetables and equipment

Exam board information, revision and support