COVID-19 Update: Uniform

COVID-19 Update: Uniform

Dear Parents Carers, Further to recommendations we have received from the medical profession we have taken the decision for all our students and staff to wear their own clothes from Wednesday March 25th. This is to enable families to wash clothes worn daily and to...
School closure – message from the Head of School

School closure – message from the Head of School

Dear parents/carers, You will now be aware the UK Government has announced that schools will close to all students (with the exception of children of key workers, the most vulnerable and those with Education, Health and Care Plans) after close of school on Friday 20th...
Coronavirus update – Advice for parents/carers

Coronavirus update – Advice for parents/carers

Dear parents/carers, As you will be aware, there has been a great deal written and advised about COVID-19, the coronavirus. We want to stress that current advice and guidance suggests you should not be unduly worried about the potential of your child catching...
DHS selected as Chartered College of Teaching provider

DHS selected as Chartered College of Teaching provider

Didsbury High School is delighted to have been selected by the Chartered College of Teaching as one of 11 providers to support the delivery of its Chartered Teacher Programme (CTeach). The school will play an important role in supporting teachers to achieve Chartered...