Behaviour and Rewards
Across Laurus Schools, our climate is positive and optimistic. We have a learning and success culture where achievement and effort are rewarded; where all are challenged to do their best and where all are valued and respected.
Through our rewards policy we aim to motivate and praise students for their effort, participation and achievement both individually and within their House. All students will be awarded individual House Points but they will also share responsibility for generating points towards their House total.
House Points are awarded for:
- house events and competitions
- excellent work/effort/improvement
- acts of kindness
- receiving a Praise Postcard
- 100% attendance
- receiving a school badge
Certificates of Achievement are awarded when students achieve a certain number of House Points. School badges are awarded for outstanding achievement in the following areas:
Each half term, House Point totals are announced during an assembly. The flag of the winning House is displayed outside the front of the school for the following half term.
Towards the end of the Summer Term, the House with the most points overall will receive the House Cup. Students with the highest individual points total within each House will also be recognised for their contribution by a Head of House. Find out more about our House System.
Behaviour for Learning
We closely monitor ‘Behaviour for Learning’ in lessons and the completion of Practice, Preparation & Retrieval (PP&R). We will record instances where we believe that a student’s behaviour for learning is preventing them from making good progress. This allows us to put intervention strategies in place and alert parents/carers to this at an early stage.
Students are responsible for their own behaviour. Consequences will result from their choices, which includes;
- C1 – formal warning
- C2 – 10 minute detention
- C3 – 30 minute detention
- C4 – 1 hour detention (removal from lesson)
- C5 – serious incident
If a student receives 3 or more C2+ in 1 week, they will receive an hour Head of Year detention after school.
Students, parents/carers and school staff share the responsibility to ensure that learning is not disrupted due to bad behaviour. Student’s behaviour is also monitored outside of class time. If a student does not behave as expected around the school building, they will be issued a 30 minute lunchtime detention.
Internal exclusions, suspensions and exclusions can be issued in extreme circumstances.
For more information, please read the Behaviour Policy and our Home School Agreement.